We are excited to announce that Comply Path and InPayTech (IP1) have announced a proposed merger of our businesses. Find out more

Bond by Comply Path

Simplify compliance and create new value through secure, trusted connections

Bond by Comply Path
Shaking hands

Compliance is complex and regulatory demands on businesses are increasing

Satisfy your compliance obligations seamlessly with Bond. Our secure and trusted platform connects your data to regulatory systems, enabling you to meet your compliance requirements today and create new value opportunities for tomorrow.

Features you'll love

  • Data engine

    Data engine

    Allow different parties with alternate data flows, standards and formats to communicate securely under defined business rules and logic.

  • Real-time connectivity

    Real-time connectivity

    Connect to external authoritative registers to aid verification and “smart” error management.
    Includes: Industry register connect, tax file number register, APRA fund register and SMSF register.

  • Payments


    Manage and control payment processing, validation and reconciliation.

  • Reporting


    Instantly transmit data to regulatory bodies, such as the ATO, ASIC, APRA and more, to satisfy your reporting compliance obligations.

  • Compliance


    Access real time audit and logging - remain compliant with Consumer Data Right and GDPR management.

  • Cloud native

    Cloud native

    Deploy on a cloud of your choice such as Azure, Amazon Web Services or Google.

Trusted in industry

Trusted and secure digital compliance for businesses of all sizes

Bond powers digital platforms for a major government super fund, a major profit-for-member super fund and a major retail super fund. Their collective member base can rest assured that Bond’s expertise in SuperStream compliance and Standard Business Reporting is protecting the confidentiality of their data.

PwC Australia trusts Bond to manage the tax reporting (Single Touch Payroll) and superannuation processing of all its partners and staff.

Astronaut holding big shield

How can Bond connect your business to create new value?